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I guess you are here after completing the quiz to discover your drivers of happiness at work.

Now that you know what’s important for you at work, let me share with you how to take action and get closer to your main drivers

If you watched my TEDx Talk , you should know that the next step is to build the bridge between what you have and what you need.


But how? Here are some actions you could implement:

First, you need to define:


Which drivers do you already have in your current situation?


Which one would you need to do something about it?

Decide what can YOU do (at your level) to get closer to your drivers
and where would you need support from someone else.

Make a clear list and action plan for each of your drivers
Here are some examples:

  • To improve / to get more (…one of your driver…)  I would need to …
  • Schedule in my agenda a reminder to do it
  • Subscribe to …xyz… to improve my skills on …
  • Discuss with my partner /colleagues /boss about
  • Schedule a meeting with …xyz… to raise the topic of …
  • Brainstorm with my colleague …xyz... on how to improve …
  • Ask the opinion of my colleagues about…

The most important thing is to start the conversation with yourself and with the ones who could help / support you to get closer to your drivers of happiness at work.

Ask your close colleagues their main drivers of happiness at work.

It could be a nice exercise to do at a Thursday/Friday get-together (or even via ZOOM!)

  •  It would allow everyone to reflect and share their main drivers
  • You will understand what’s important for them and might understand their way of working much better
  • It will allow you all to discuss about it and see what can you all do to get closer to your main drivers: supporting each other is crucial to create a positive environment at work

And who knows… maybe the whole team will start or stop doing something to improve the team’s culture or make the team an even better one.

Try to have a conversation with your manager to share your drivers
and share your plan to get closer to them.


  • Is there anything your boss could do to support you?
    (e.g. having more feedback in meetings, supporting the team on a specific project, having more transparency, open communication…)
  • pay attention to not turn the discussion into “blaming” but to bring ideas on how you could all benefit from them.

Lead the conversation with “I feel, I think, we could, what do you think of, what don’t we try…

Show the example and inspire others with your initiatives to get closer to your main drivers.


Happiness is contagious!
People around you might be inspired by what you do and start imitating your initiatives.

It can even be your boss 😊
⇒ That’s the story of Mellissa in my TEDx talk!

Happiness is a skill – Happiness is a mindset – Happiness is an attitude!

The above tips might help you to get closer to your main drivers!

Wanna keep these tips for ever? Download my 5 Steps:


Keep me in the loop, I would love to hear from you.
& Stay tuned, you will receive soon more tips to be happier at work.

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I regularly share tips for a positive work environment.


Did you watch my TEDx Talk on how to be truly happy at work?
If you liked it, feel free to comment, like and share with your network, friends, colleagues, or even your boss!

Watch it now